April quick links as you are welcome to meet virtually and stay engaged:
Free Flow Monday, April 10th at 7 PM ET. Join other alumni during this monthly Zoom call, no preset agenda - just open discussion.
Men Talking Fatherhood, April 10th at 8 PM ET. Open forum to talk about being a father and leading your family.
Virtual Money 101, April 11th 7:30 - 8:30 hosted by Five Rings Financial
And if you didn't get a chance last month to listen to the podcasts, the links are available below:
Kingdom Inspiration News, hosted by Gwen Goolsby-Tillery hosted me on her show earlier this month and in this short interview I shared different thoughts on marriage, fatherhood and my career.
The Power of the Present Father, hosted by Pearl Loftlin. This dynamic panel offers unique perspectives on the power of being a present father.